Staff Development & Teambuilding Trainings
Staff today are
so busy keeping up with their daily workload that there is little time
to think about their professional development. Yet professional development
is essential to foster creativity, generate vision, and stimulate growth.
Without such stimulus, many employees experience stagnation and eventual
Adventure-based training offers staff the opportunity to focus on their
professional development in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The training
moves employees away from their desks and into a novel and exciting
environment that fuels creativity and growth. As active participants,
they become active learners, fully engaged in the process. The activities
make the training non-threatening and allow difficult issues to arise
naturally, keeping the process productive and solution oriented. Communication
and problem solving improve, trust is enhanced and staff coalesce as
a team. Adventure-based training is energizing and renewing and never
fails to improve staff morale.
An Adventure-Based Model?
Adventure-Based Model features a holistic approach to working with clients
that engages the participant mentally, emotionally and physically. Whether
it be therapy or staff development work, even the most resistant participants
soon find themselves engaged in the process. Adventure-based activities
are action-oriented, fun, safe, and productive.
activities are ideal tools for group development because of their inherent
ability to facilitate teamwork and improve group functioning. They are
also solution-focused and whether you are in therapy or training, it
is more effective to highlight strengths and build on what clients are
already doing right.
Dr. Bandoroff is
committed to the use of an adventure-based model for working with clients
in any setting. He has used adventure activities as a catalyst for change
in the therapy office with one client as well as in a meeting hall with
a hundred clients. Simply put, there is no better way to engage clients
in a process of meaningful change.