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Wilderness Family Intensives

WFIs are customized multi-day family therapy experiences capitalizing on the dynamic healing aspects of a shared wilderness adventure.

WFIs are designed to provide families with the opportunity to harness their resources and rediscover their sense of family. A structured daily program allows families to develop their strengths in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

WFIs are completely customized for each family. This ensures that the program is designed to meet the your family's particular needs. Moreover, the intervention can be tailored to accommodate your family's comfort with the outdoors as well as fitness level. Accordingly, the program can be lodge based if necessary. We also offer flexibility regarding location.

Come explore the beauty of Oregon or we’ll come to you. Completely customized programs are available and may be arranged throughout the United States or abroad.

Wilderness Family Intensives offer:

  • Around the clock treatment by a licensed psychologist specializing in family therapy
  • A wilderness environment that promotes family healing
  • Adventure-based activities designed to enhance family communication, problem-solving, and trust
  • Continual opportunities for the family to experience success
  • Quality family time where strengthening relationships is the number one priority
  • Open-ended therapy where family issues can be brought to resolution

WFIs are ideal for families whose children are graduating from residential treatment or wilderness therapy programs. We will provide a transition experience to support emotional reattachment and ensure that the family is prepared to integrate their “new” child back into the family.

WFIs are so effective at unifying families that a successful adventure is not our biggest challenge. The real test is helping families to transfer the skills back to their home environment. Dr. Bandoroff is committed to working closely with the family or the family’s therapist to ensure that the gains are maintained.

A Pioneer in Wilderness Family Therapy

Dr. Bandoroff is considered a pioneer in wilderness family therapy. In 1991, his dissertation research was the first published intervention using the wilderness to treat families (Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1994) . This established him as an authority on the topic, and over the ensuing years, Dr. Bandoroff has lectured around the world on wilderness family therapy, has published articles in numerous publications (APA, Woodbury Reports, AEE) and has consulted with organizations in implementing wilderness family programming.


  • The program was one of those life-altering has been incredibly helpful on so many levels and continues to affect my life on a daily basis.Lynn S., Parent
  • I liked the fact that we didn’t just sit down and talk. We did activities that lifted our spirits… I think this program is very helpful for all families. Sarah L., Student
  • The program was well-designed to help our family to reach out and slowly rebuild... an amazing feat for our previously dysfunctional family. John T., Parent
  • We have made real progress in our house in implementing some of the principles for constructive approaches to conflict, successful negotiation, and expressions of feelings. Greg F., Parent
  • It helped us to communicate and to have more of a [sense of] family togetherness. Drew R., Student
  • Our Family Intensive was run by Scott Bandoroff @ Peak Experience. Over the 4 days, we began to repair our relationship with our son and to regain the trust we had lost over years of growing apart. The days of the intensive consisted of the right and flexible balance between tough conversations, laughter and relationship building activities. We are so glad that we agreed to a Family Intensive and grateful that we were in Scott’s VERY capable hands. Participating Parent

Scott Bandoroff Ph.D
420 Williamson Way
Ashland, Oregon 97520
(541) 951-4329
©2025 All rights reserved. Scott Bandoroff Ph.D.